The Armenian Museum Congratulates Dr. Taner Akçam!


The Armenian Museum of America is proud to announce that its Academic Advisor to the Board, Dr. Taner Akcam, has been recognized internationally for his book Killing Orders: Talat Pasha’s Telegrams and Armenian Genocide.

Wednesday night at a dinner in Paris hosted by the Coordinating Council of Armenian Organizations in France, French President Emmanuel Macron congratulated Dr. Akçam for his achievement and for his position against Armenian Genocide denial. According to the French president, Akcam’s book constitutes “the scientific establishment of clear intentionality of organized crime.” “You brought out what some wanted to plunge into oblivion, Genocide denial,” said Macron. “It is an essential stone in this deeply political debate with the Turkish leaders,” he added. Dr. Akçam is the Robert Aram, Marianne Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marian Mugar Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University. 

The Board of Trustees of the Armenian Museum of America congratulates Dr. Akçam and expresses its gratitude for his passionate and tireless work and commitment to bringing worldwide recognition of the Armenian Genocide. 


Michele M. Kolligian